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New software, new finishes, same authentic quality. Here’s everything you need to know about our high-end pure digital system
Soft-dome tweeters are fragile. So while you might be tempted to take a vacuum cleaner or dusting cloth to them while you’re cleaning, that’s dangerous territory – and you’re more likely to end up doing more harm than good.
The all-new 18W55 driver for the Dynaudio Contour has 70% increased excursion, a 24% taller voice-coil winding height, 20% larger diaphragm area, a “taller-than-usual” 7.6mm elliptical surround, reduced our MSP cone’s thickness from 0.5mm to 0.4 and many other improvements. But how did we manage this?
New software, new finishes, same authentic quality. Here’s everything you need to know about our high-end pure digital system
Soft-dome tweeters are fragile. So while you might be tempted to take a vacuum cleaner or dusting cloth to them while you’re cleaning, that’s dangerous territory – and you’re more likely to end up doing more harm than good.
The all-new 18W55 driver for the Dynaudio Contour has 70% increased excursion, a 24% taller voice-coil winding height, 20% larger diaphragm area, a “taller-than-usual” 7.6mm elliptical surround, reduced our MSP cone’s thickness from 0.5mm to 0.4 and many other improvements. But how did we manage this?
High-quality drivers,deeper bass,less distortion,and an updated minimalist design are the hallmarke of the MIKE.
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